Sunday, December 18, 2011

Quick Quote: Gregory Millman

This pretty much sums up why I educate my kids at home. 

“We want our children to become who they are--- and a developed person is, above all, free. But freedom as we define it doesn't mean doing what you want. Freedom means the ability to make choices that are good for you. It is the power to choose to become what you are capable of becoming, to develop your unique potential by making choices that turn possibility into reality. It is the ability to make choices that actualize you. As often as not, maybe more often than not, this kind of freedom means doing what you do not want, doing what is uncomfortable or tiring or boring or annoying.”
Gregory Millman, Homeschooling: A Family's Journey 



  1. Laci- Is this your blog? I love it. I follow Food Renegade and Nourished Kitchen. Keep posting good, organic real food here. Especially things that work for ID. This is going to be a great blog.

    Your cousin, Sarah

  2. Hi Sarah - Thanks for your kind words. We are just getting started but so far it has been a lot of fun. Do you have a blog?


  3. Laci- Yes we have a family blog at Nothing amazing or anything. I'm really enjoying your blog and think it will be fantastic. I've been trying to be more natural/organic the past three years and this year we have been doing our best. The hardest thing is my husband not wanting to give up pop but you just work with what you can do.

  4. We are working on going natural/organic also. I am sure you know it's not easy in this area. We all have our guilty pleasures. Right now mine are orange sticks. ;)
