Friday, December 23, 2011

Friday Foods: Bountiful Baskets

Many have had to tighten up their belts the past couple of years. With rising food prices and lower incomes, feeding our families fresh fruits and vegetables has become a want rather than a need. It's frustrating to spend money on fresh produce, only to have it "go bad" within a few days. Growing a garden is a viable alternative, but some lack the space, the time, and the know-how. Besides, growing a garden can take months before you reap the rewards. Plus, if you live in a climate like mine (cold for most of the year), there are only a few critical months of a growing season.

If you enjoy eating a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables then Bountiful Baskets Food Co-op may be an answer for you. Every Monday the site opens for orders. The time varies but it's usually around noon and you have until midnight on Tuesday to place your order. A basket is 50% fruits and 50% vegetables and costs $15 for $30-$40 worth of produce. You can also order an organic basket for $25. They also offer organic bread (5 loaves for $12.50), tortillas, and other seasonal items that are reasonably priced. Every week is different, and it's a surprise when you get it, but it is usually staples like lettuce, tomatoes, apples, oranges, bananas, and other yummy surprises. 

You pick up your basket the following Saturday at your pickup location (you choose that when you order) so make sure you are going to be around that weekend. You will need your receipt and something to bring your order home in. Many people use boxes, reusable grocery bags, or rolling carts. Also, this is a volunteer-based business so they ask that you volunteer at least once every 6 weeks, but it's not a requirement. 
Our total pickup this week was:

  • 1 - watermelon
  • 1 - head of lettuce
  • 1 - head of cauliflower
  • 1 - bundle of spinach
  • 6 - bananas
  • 6 - ears of corn
  • 11 - oranges
  • 5 - tomatoes
  • 4 - green bell peppers
  • 7 - mangoes
  • 12 - apples

I have actually found that I am spending less at the grocery store. When we want a snack we eat something fresh, which is good for my bank account and my waist line. I love that my kids have so many choices to eat something healthy. Also, since the food is straight from the farm, some is ready to eat when we pick it up, and some isn't ready for a few days. This ensures there is something fresh all week long. They also do their best to order produce from small, local farms so it's better for the environment.

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