Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Even though educating your children at home is becoming more acceptable, and dare I say, trendy. I still cringe when it comes time to share that tidbit of information about myself to others. It's not that I'm embarrassed about it, in fact I love it, but once the words leave my lips, I brace for impact. There are many ideas about "homeschoolers," ranging from support, to ignorance, all the way to prejudice. Most people, regardless of how they feel about it, are very polite. Many tell me about family members they have that homeschool, others ask questions, and some are in awe. They can't imagine being home all day with their kids, or not working. To me, these are fair reactions. I don't expect everyone to be like me. Individuality is one reason why I educate my kids at home. But just like in everything, sometimes the bad can overshadow the good. I can't speak for all, but I assume I am not alone in the fear of expression. Here are some responses I have received throughout the years.

"You do teach them? You're not one of those that sits around all day." This is offensive to me. I made a huge commitment deciding to spend all day, every day with my kids. I work hard at it. I am in charge of three different educations at three different levels. I cook three different meals every single day, plus snacks, and cleanup the mess. I have completely given up alone time. What have I gained? Mornings. No rushing around frantically trying to get everyone where they need to be. Evenings. No homework and bath time. That's all done during the day. Self-motivated kids. For whatever reason, my kids enjoy learning most things. Granted, occasionally there are some grumbles, but for the most part my kids enjoy school. Close family. You don't have to be a homeschool family to enjoy this but I think it makes it easier. We all work together maintaining our home, and I think this teaches a valuable life lesson.

"You do teach science, right?" This one is quite comical. According to the  Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa) study done in 2010. The US ranks 17th in science. Are there homeschool parents not teaching their kids science? Probably. Are there public schools not teaching kids science? Obviously.

"It's important for kids to experience bullies. It's good for them." This is heartbreaking. How many children have been traumatized by bullying. Some never recover and some end up taking their lives. No thanks. I'll let my kids skip this.

"You'll never be able to keep up with this one." This was referencing my outgoing child when he was 8 years old. He loves throwing around his vocabulary to anyone with ears. It's adorable. But to assume I can't keep up with him is absurd. First off, I've obviously done a pretty good job so far and he was only in third grade. Second, we share genes. I hope that some of his smarts come from me.

There are many reasons why I choose to homeschool. My reasons are probably drastically different from others. Thankfully, educating your children at home is becoming more accepted and many are dropping their prejudice. It doesn't matter where you go to school because there are many excellent options. People do what they feel is best for their family and we should respect that.


  1. I think you are a fantastic parent who cares about their kids. You do what you think is best for your children and don't take grief for it. I'm sure you hear rude stuff all the time in ID. I had several homeschooling friends in CO and never heard anything rude about them. Maybe I just don't notice things like that. I'm glad you have a good community here and you are so close to your family. That is all that matters.

  2. Thanks Sarah! Thankfully, I don't get too many negative comments. Most people are just surprised. I guess I don't fit the stereotype.

  3. I understand where you are coming from. I think the assumptions people make about homeschoolers are sad, and BULLYING IS NOT GOOD! Geesh. I know someone who was bullied as a child, and it has NOT helped him as an adult. Children need to feel secure so that they grow into secure adults.

    I write a newspaper column in a small, local paper, and sometimes if I dwell on it, I think 95% of the readers must think I'm nuts. So I try not to dwell on that fact and hope that there's someone out there whose views will change about homeschooling because they have read my column.

  4. Good for you for not letting it get to you. It's unfortunate that there are so many with a negative bias. Hopefully, the more we speak out, the more people will understand what homeschooling is really about.

  5. I agree that, once you let the cat out of the bag, you never know what the response will be...
    Usually people are very supporting.
    In fact, LOTS of the time people thing I'm a freaking HERO.
    I'll take that stereotype over many of the others...
